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👶 17th May 1959 Prague, Czech Republic

👩‍🎨 1982-88 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

🎨 lives and works in Prague

🎖🏆 Awards, Nominations 

2019Selected by National Gallery in Prague and Metroprojekt into the competition for Art project at metro station Nádraží Krč, line D, Prague
2004"Outstanding creative Excellence" Emaar International Art Symposium Dubai

2003Appointed as an independent expert in visual arts for evaluation of projects submitted in 2003 as part of the European program Culture 2000, EU-European Commission Directorate-General

for Education and Culture
1996"Createur d'aujourd'hui" by Federation National de la Culture Francais decouvertes et selections du monde des arts plastiques)

Representation in art collections

Contemporary Art - National Gallery Prague

Alšova jihočeská galerie, Hluboká nad Vltavou

Private Czech and foreign collections

Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem

check my  ︎ikipedia ︎

📨 kstenclova@seznam.cz
📷 instagram: @stenclovak
🖥 full archive: https://stenclova.com/biography.html

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